World Economic Forum - Davos, Switzerland


Sharing some key takeaways from the World Economic Forum

1️⃣ The Global Economy

World leaders are more bullish on economic growth than they’ve been the past few months.

China reopening (from COVID lockdowns) is a game changer.

2️⃣ Business disruption

The speed of change has accelerated to a pace we’ve never seen before. And it’ll never be as slow as it is today.

3️⃣ Technology will define our future

Cloud computing, generative AI and the metaverse were named as the top 3 trends to embrace.

4️⃣ Blockchain + ESG

While blockchain technology is most often associated with cryptocurrencies, it has many functions outside of this space…such as supply chain management, carbon accounting and government record management.

Reducing our global economy’s carbon footprint must begin with transparent data.

5️⃣ Geopolitics

This year’s Davos slogan was “Cooperation in a Fragmented World.” That fragmentation began with COVID-19…with lockdowns, closed borders and disrupted supply chains.

Globalism vs nationalism was a hotly discussed issue..touching on cyber-security, energy consumption, future health pandemics and physical conflicts (Russia/Ukraine, in particular).


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