Introducing: Beyond The Hype Cycle

By Greg Kahn
Emerging Tech Exchange
Founder & CEO

Published on May 16, 2023

Last week I launched my Substack called “Beyond the Hype Cycle.”

My goal is to dive into the nuances of the prevailing views of emerging technology, investment opportunities, branding, and media. 

I want to start a conversation. And I want to get past the reflexive cycle of amazement… which leads to indifference…and then to outright hostility. 

The cycle  is the enemy of greater understanding of the impact of all these forces on our lives and businesses. 

Whether you’re  an investor, brand marketer, entrepreneur, content owner/publisher, or even an enthusiast, I want to hear from you on what is sparking your curiosity, your dismissiveness, and everything in between … and beyond.

So check out my first post and subscribe to Beyond the Hype Cycle!

Greg Kahn 

Emerging Tech Exchange
Founder & CEO

Salt Sound Marketing

Salt Sound connects people to products + services through a holistic approach to brand marketing. We develop, design and execute in digital and experiential channels.

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